Essential oils and their personality traits!
1) Basil: - Ocimum basilicum – sweet basil or common basil
a) Personality traits:
i. Uplifting
ii. awakening
iii. clarifying
iv. stimulating
b) Considered to be one of the finest remedies for the brain and cephalic. It is reputed to clear the head, relieve intellectual fatigue and give the mind strength and clarity
c) Recommended for those in need of protection, due either to debilitating illness and low resistance levels, nervous exhaustion, or a change in life resulting in feelings of vulnerability.
d) Energetics – Tonifies Yang and lifts spirit
2) Bergamot – Citrus bergamia
a) Personality traits:
i. Young
ii. Fresh
iii. Caring
iv. Considerate
v. Full of energy
vi. They are not necessarily young in years, but they are always young at heart and have a joyful approach to life.
b) Useful in relieve colic, flatulence and indigestion
c) Loss of appetite due to emotional stress
d) May be beneficial for treating wounds, herpes and acne. It is recommended for treating eczema and psoriasis.
e) Energetics: cooling and warming and enhance circulation and free flowing of Qi.
3) Black Pepper – Piper nigrum
a) Personality traits:
i. Stern, older person
ii. Dictatorial
iii. Self-righteous
iv. Tend to take responsibility for everyone in their family circle.
v. While black pepper is a warming oil, a black pepper personality is not easily able to express feelings of love
b) Circulation improvement is where black pepper is recommended for anemia, as a stimulant of the spleen.
c) Also recommended in a massage blend for the relief of rheumatism and arthritis, muscular aches and pains, tired and aching limbs and muscular stiffness.
e) Energetics: - Ideal to use to dispel cold pathology and in TCM highly recommended for colds, headaches, fever, chills, fatigue
f) Subtle Aromatherapy - used to “get a move on” at times when our lives feel stuck.
4) Cardamom – Elettaria cardamomum
a) Personality Traits:
i. Strong
ii. Forthright
iii. Motivating
iv. Enthusiastic
v. Instill inspiration in others
vi. Tend to make good leaders
b) Recommended for nervous exhaustion and depression
c) Recommended for the treatment of digestive complaints such as colic, cramps, flatulence
d) Wonderful for conditions of the respiratory system such as chronic bronchitis.
e) Energetics: Cardamom is a Qi tonic. Warming qualities which make it an excellent choice as a digestive stimulant and as a remedy to help remove mucus in the respiratory and digestive system. Also It is ideal for persons burdened by worries and by responsibilities that test or endurance.
5) Cinnamon – Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume
a) Personality Traits
i. Strong personality
ii. Affable – easily approachable
iii. Practical
iv. Intelligent
v. Larger than life
b) It is known as one of the strongest anti-bacterial agents known. It is useful for resisting viral infections and contagious diseases.
c) Excellent gastrointestinal stimulant. It calms spasms of the digestive tract and stimulates secretion of gastric juices and it recommended for loss of appetite.
d) It is described as a physical essence, which restores a taste and vigor for life to the depressed, and the fire of courage to the belly of those who may have lost it in the maze of melancholia
e) Energetics: Classified as a hot and stimulating remedy. Especially circulation, generate warms, support the immune system and invigorate the digestion and relieve pain.
6) Clary Sage – Salvia Sclarea
a) Personality Traits
i. Ability to probe deeply into the psyche of others.
ii. Appears pensive at times
iii. They are gentle, melancholic
iv. Thoughtful
v. Inner tranquility
b) Clary Sage is one of the most important essential oils as a women’s remedy.
c) Renowned for the relief it brings to menstrual cramps.
d) Works with pituitary gland
e) Energetics: - reputed to strengthen Qi that is depleted and relaxes and improves circulation of Qi. It uplifts one’s spirit without “disconnecting” one from reality.
7) Clove Bud – Syzygium aromaticum
a) Personality Traits
i. dynamic
ii. Self Assured
iii. full of energy
iv. Spicy!
b) Clove helps relieve arthritis, rheumatism and sprains
c) Clove is a physical and mental tonic and should be used in conjunction with peppermint to ward off drowsiness
d) the dental value of clove is well known.
e) Energetic: - warming and tonifies Qi. It may be used to generate warmth and to eliminate any condition associated with cold.
8) Cypress – Cupressus sempervirens
a) Personality traits:
i. Strength
ii. Wisdom
iii. Symbol of eternity
iv. Forceful
v. Outspoken
vi. Firm in their views
b) Helps to restore calm and strengthens an overburdened nervous system
c) Cypress is a reputed so be effective as a cough remedy for the management of acute and chronic bronchitis and whooping cough
d) Works great on varicose veins, oedema. Skin challenges such as acne, oily and over-hydrated skin and excessive perspiration
e) Energetics: - moves blood and it also circulates QI. Like lavender, it has a wide-ranging antispasmodic effect i.e.: colitis, PMS and asthma
9) Eucalyptus Radiata –
a) Personality Traits
i. Emotionally constricted in their surroundings
ii. Dare not seek to create greater freedom or success
iii. Excessive - caution, fear or responsibility is too much to handle
iv. This oil helps disperse the negative feelings associated with the above – ROOM TO BREATH.
b) This oil may be used to “cleanse any place where there has been conflict or where negative energies are felt
c) Effective insect repellent and used to treat burns, blisters, cuts and wounds
d) One of the most important sources of eucalyptus oils. Varies from small bushes to large trees.
e) Energetic: - Exceptional remedy for clearing lung-phlegm and wind-heat. Very beneficial for the onset of flu or fever, sore throat, the common cold, sinusitis and chronic bronchitis. It is classified as a tonic of the lung Qi and is used to enhance the breathing function, promoting the uptake of oxygen by the red blood cells.
10) Fennel, Sweet – Foeniculum vulgare
a) Personality traits:
i. Constantly active
ii. Always on the move
iii. They don’t walk, they run
iv. Excel at any type of competition – at work as well at play
v. Tends to over-think and over-analyze
b) Diuretic and lymphatic decongestant. Often used fore helping fluid retention, cellulite and obesity.
c) Recommended for regulating menstrual cycle
d) It is recommended for upper respiratory trance due to it being anti-spasmodic/expectorant. And Urinary tract infections.
e) Energetic: - It is classified as warming and drying remedy. It removes stagnancy in the stomach, frees spasms, clears flatus, settles the stomach and expels phlegm. Traditionally, it was used as a form of protection against witches and evil.
11) Frankincense – Boswellia ssp (rivae)
a) Personality traits:
i. Air of mystery and secretiveness
ii. Sense of maturity
iii. Confidence,
iv. Understanding of nature and the universe
v. May not be religious but they have a profound love of God in their hearts
vi. Good communicators
vii. Friendly, warm and loving
b) Helps alleviate anxiety, nervous tension and stress related conditions
c) May help with respiratory conditions
d) Well known for dry, mature skin, scars, wounds and wrinkles
e) Energetic: - recommended for aiding meditation, contemplation and prayers, helping to ease mental chatter and stilling the mind. Cut ties with the past, especially where these may block personal growth.
ALL INFORMATION TAKEN FROM "The Complete Guide To Aromatherapy"
2ND EDITION – Salvatore Battaglia –
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